
【第38-3回】Controlling Cell Fate through Physicochemical Cuing Generated by Nanoscale Surface Modifications and Functionalization


Prof. Antonio Nanci
(Department of Stomatology, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Canada)


平成27年3月24日(火) 14:30-15:15


北海道大学理学部 6号館 2階04-2室<多目的演習室>


Millions of devices made from diverse biocompatible materials are placed in humans each year. These devices, which include orthopedic implants and vascular stents, are relatively effective but still need significant improvement. To design improved biomaterials, cellular and molecular events at the material-host tissue interface must be better defined and controlled. Since cells grow and thrive on nanostructured extracellular matrices, and the various cell/matrix/substrate interactions that regulate gene expression take place on the nanoscale, the focus has been on nanoscale surface functionalization. In this context, we have developed a simple oxidative chemical treatment that produces a unique, nanoporous sponge-like network on various medically-relevant metal surfaces. The created surfaces are exciting because they selectively influence cell activity, elicit distinctive gene sets, and guide the differentiation of stem cells along desired pathways without exposure to any molecular signals.

The ultimate objective of our group is to create a new generation of biomaterials with ‘intelligent surfaces’ capable not only of providing selective cues to cells but also of responding on demand to the evolving local tissue conditions. We believe this will need the synergistic nanoscale physical modification and molecular patterning of implant surfaces, a challenge that requires the collaborative effort of scientists in biomedicine and chemical sciences and engineering.(Supported by CIHR, NIH and NSERC)






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