
  1. K. Tezuka, M. Inamura, Y. Hinatsu, Y. Shimojo, and Y. Morii
    Neutron Diffraction Study on Layered Perovskites Ca2-xSrxMnO4.
    JAERI-Review 2000-005, 42 (2000).
  2. Y. Doi, Y. Hinatsu, Y. Shimojo, and Y. Morii
    Neutron Diffraction Study on Ordered Perovskites Sr2LnRuO6 (Ln = Ho, Tm).
    JAERI-Review 2000-005, 44 (2000).
  3. K. Tezuka, M. Itoh, M. Haga, Y. Hinatsu, Y. Shimojo, and Y. Morii
    Study on the Crystal and Magnetic Structures of SrTbO3 and BaTbO3.
    JAERI-Review 99-007, 110 (1999).
  4. K. Tezuka, Y. Hinatsu, A. Nakamura, T. Inami, Y. Shimojo, and Y. Morii
    Neutron Diffraction Study on Perovskite La0.85Sr0.15CrO3.
    JAERI-Review 99-007, 111 (1999).
  5. T. Sakurada, H. Maekawa and T. Yokokawa
    Cu(II)/Cu(I) Cu Redox in Alkali Borate Melts.
    Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts., 463-468 (1997).
  6. Y. Hinatsu, N. Nitani, Y. Shimojo, and Y. Morii
    Neutron Diffraction Study on Potassium Uranate KUO3.
    JAERI-Review 97-012, 28 (1997).
  7. Y. Hinatsu, N. Nitani, Y. Shimojo, and Y. Morii
    Preparation and Properties of Perovskite-type Rare Earth Oxides.
    New Development of Studies on Rare Earth Complexes, 169-176 (1997).
  8. 分島亮, 増田秀俊, 山田耕太, 佐藤修彰, 藤野威男
    直流四端子van der Pauw法による比抵抗およびHall効果測定装置の製作.
    素材工学研究所彙報, 52, 135-144 (1997).


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