物理化学教室 北海道大学大学院理学研究院化学部門


News Archives

  • 2019-09-05
    (日本語) M. Kiguchi, S. Miura, K. Murakoshi “Fabrication of Stable Metal Nanowire showing Conductance Quantization in Solution” Surf. Sci., 601, 4127-4130 (2007).
  • 2019-09-05
    (日本語) M. Kiguchi, N. Sekiguchi, K. Murakoshi “Electric Conductance of Metal Nanowires at Mechanically Controllable Break Junctions under Electrochemical Potential Control” Surf. Sci., 601, 5262-5265 (2007).
  • 2019-09-05
    (日本語) N. Takeda, K. Murakoshi “Characteristics of the Raman Spectra of Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Bundles under Electrochemical Potential Control” Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 388, 103-108 (2007).
  • 2019-09-05
    (日本語) Y. Sawai, B. Takimoto, H. Nabika, K. Ajito, K. Murakoshi “Observation of a Small Number of Molecules at a Metal Nanogap Arrayed on a Solid Surface Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129, 1658-1662 (2007).
  • 2019-09-05
    (日本語) S. Miura, M. Kiguchi, K. Murakoshi “Formation of Stable Nanowires From Ferromagnetic Metals Using 2-Butyne-1,4-Diol” Surf. Sci., 601, 287-291 (2007).
  • 2019-09-05
    (日本語) K. Fukami, S. Nakanishi, Y. Sawai, K. Sonoda, K. Murakoshi, Y. Nakato “In Situ Probing of Dynamic Nanostructural Change of Electrodeposits in the Course of Oscillatory Growth Using SERS” J. Phys. Chem. C., 111, 3216-3219 (2007).
  • 2019-09-05
    (日本語) M. Kiguchi, S. Miura, K. Hara, M. Sawamura, K. Murakoshi “Conductance of Single 1,4 Di-Substitued Benzene Molecules Anchored to Pt Electrodes” Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 053110/1-053110/3 (2007).
  • 2019-09-05
    (日本語) M. Kiguchi, T. Konishi, S. Miura, K. Murakoshi “The Effect of Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on Conductance Quantization of Au, Ag, Cu Nano Contacts” Nanotechnol., 18, 424011 (2007).
  • 2019-09-05
    (日本語) T. Konishi, M. Kiguchi, K. Murakoshi “Quantized Conductance Behavior of Pt-Group Metal Nano Constrictions Under Electrochemical Potential Control” Surf. Sci., 601, 4122-4126 (2007).
  • 2019-09-05
    (日本語) M. Kiguchi, T. Konishi, K. Murakoshi “Control of Stability of Ni and Pd Atomic Contact by Electrochemical Potential” J. Surf. Sci. Soc. Jpn., 28, 361-366 (2007).